Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 5: Major Tomato Growth

Hello all, and happy Memorial Day! 
So at the week 5 mark, I've noticed that the tomato plant has been showing tremendous growth! The bell peppers haven't shown as much progress as the tomato plant in during week 4 to week 5. Hopefully that will change soon :)

The bell peppers look to be about the same  height as last week.

There is a smaller tomato growing right behind this one too!
Baby tomato


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cookies: Chocolate & Vanilla

 Last week I tried a new cookie recipe. Half of the cookie batch was cocoa, and the other half was vanilla. Although it took far longer than I expected to make, the cookies turned out just right: not too sweet, not too bitter. :) 

I would love to share the recipe, but it's a Japanese one. My apologies :O 

This special one went to my adorable husband :)

First ever checker cookies! :)
Putting these checker pieces together was what put me in a time crunch; they took a lot of time to put together X( 

Behold: Some cute looking ones, and the messed up swirly cookies haha!


Saturday, May 18, 2013


This is how the bell pepper & tomato plants looked at one day before the four week mark. Can't believe how much they've grown in such a short amount of time! :)


They are literally reaching for that sunlight.

Flowers all over the place, yes. 

We can see three little tomatoes starting to grow so far!!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DIY Rosette Ring

Last week I helped throw a bachelorette party for my friend so as a "party favor" I got to try making something that I've never done before: DIY rings! It was surprising how much fun it was actually. 

So this is how it turned out. Some cute ones were created, and then there were unfortunately a few ugly ones haha. That's OK though messing up is just a part of learning! Thank you Mom & Mom-in-law for helping me :)

 If this looks like something you want to try, this is where I got the instructions from:


Monday, May 13, 2013

Week Three Growth

Last week has been hectic due to helping out with my friend's wedding. I felt pretty wiped out for a few days afterward, but I'm starting to get back on board! So due to the wedding business, the Week Three update for my little bell peppers and tomato plant is a few days late, sorry! 

Was the wait worth it though? See for yourself! 
Look at that burst of growth!

With each new sprout, excitement overfilled me.
It's crazy to know that if you work hard to do your part, these plants can reach their potential. 

Credits to Chadsen, my husband for taking this picture!

I'm so amazed at how much the bell peppers have grown within the past week. 

See you soon :)


Friday, May 3, 2013

Week Two: Look Carefully!

Update: Week two of planting the bell peppers and putting the tomato plant into a new pot. 
I was beginning to feel worried that the bell peppers were a lost cause because I hadn't seen anything, but then yesterday (week two mark), I saw the first little sprout! It was surprising how excited and happy I was to see that the little bell pepper was being nourished this whole time! 

Do you see it? Right dab in the middle!

The tomato plant has been flourishing, and there are several yellow flowers growing now!
Fortunately, this plant got a lot of sunlight so it grew very quickly.

More update coming soon :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My little plants: week one

As of tomorrow it will be the second week since I've planted the bell pepper seeds and repotted our little tomato plant. Since I've been lagging on updating, allow me to show how they were doing at the one week mark! I must've not taken a picture of the tomatoes, but we had a flower growing already! Can't wait to see the results.

Tomorrow, I promise the second week update will be up! :) 

Nothing is out yet!